Assessment Of Legal Aspects Related To The Acquisition Of Government Goods Or Services Through Electronic Transactions


  • Jimi Harry Danian


Government Acquisition, Electronic Transactions, Legal Aspects


This study evaluates the legal aspects related to the acquisition of goods or services by the government through electronic transactions. Electronic transactions are increasingly commonly used in government procurement processes for efficiency and transparency. However, various legal issues arise along with the use of this technology. This research identifies and analyzes the legal framework that regulates electronic transactions in the context of government acquisitions. Factors such as data security, privacy, transaction legitimacy, and consumer protection are explored to provide better insight into the challenges and opportunities in carrying out electronic transactions within the government sphere.


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How to Cite

Jimi Harry Danian. (2024). Assessment Of Legal Aspects Related To The Acquisition Of Government Goods Or Services Through Electronic Transactions. Social Harmony: International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 1(1), 01–05. Retrieved from