Enhancing National Excellence Through The Promotion Of Digital Literacy


  • Fernando Baylen Daymion


Digital Literacy, National Excellence, Promotion, Development, Competitiveness


This research explores the role of increasing digital literacy in strengthening a country's national excellence. By considering the positive impact of digital literacy on various sectors, this research analyzes efforts to promote digital literacy as a strategy to increase national competitiveness and excellence. Through a qualitative approach and current data, this research identifies key factors that support the promotion of digital literacy and its impact on national development. The research findings highlight the importance of collaboration between government, the private sector and civil society in strengthening digital literacy as a stepping stone to achieving national excellence.


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How to Cite

Fernando Baylen Daymion. (2024). Enhancing National Excellence Through The Promotion Of Digital Literacy. Social Harmony: International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 1(1), 06–10. Retrieved from https://social.ifrel.org/index.php/SocialHarmony/article/view/2