Pancasila As The Fundamental Perspective Of The Nation


  • Juliusz Sena Alberto


Pancasila, Perspective, Ideology, National Identity, Politics, Public Policy, Society


Pancasila is the ideological foundation underlying the Indonesian state. As a basic view, Pancasila includes five main principles that lead to the formation of national identity, just government and a civilized society. This article explores the role of Pancasila as a fundamental perspective for the state, highlighting its contribution in shaping the political system, public policy, and social and cultural life in Indonesia. An in-depth analysis was carried out to describe how Pancasila influences various aspects of people's lives, as well as the challenges and opportunities faced in implementing Pancasila values in the contemporary context.


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How to Cite

Juliusz Sena Alberto. (2024). Pancasila As The Fundamental Perspective Of The Nation. Social Harmony: International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 1(1), 16–21. Retrieved from