Educators Reactions To The Requirement Of Utilizing Online Technology Amidst The PandemicEducators Reactions To The Requirement Of Utilizing Online Technology Amidst The Pandemic


  • Helena Magnolia


Educators, Reactions, Online Technology, Pandemic, Adaptation, Remote Learning


In the current global pandemic, educators are faced with the urgent need to use online technology in the learning process. This abstract explores the various responses educators have provided to this need. This research reveals various attitudes, challenges and strategies adopted by educators in dealing with the use of online technology during the pandemic. Data was obtained through surveys, interviews and observations of educators from various backgrounds and levels of education. These findings provide valuable insight into how educators are adapting to these new demands and offer practical implications for improving the effectiveness of online learning.


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How to Cite

Helena Magnolia. (2024). Educators Reactions To The Requirement Of Utilizing Online Technology Amidst The PandemicEducators Reactions To The Requirement Of Utilizing Online Technology Amidst The Pandemic. Social Harmony: International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 1(1), 11–15. Retrieved from