Effective Communication In Maintaining Marital Relationships Despite Long Distance

Husband And Wife In The Context Of Working As Migrant Workers


  • Brian Gon Denbeigh


Effective communication, Marriage relationship, Long distance


This study discusses the importance of effective communication in maintaining marital relationships even over long distances, especially in a context where one partner works as an Indonesian Migrant Worker (TKI). Open, honest and regular communication is the main key to maintaining strong and harmonious relationships amidst the challenges of physical distance. Various communication strategies that can be implemented by husbands and wives in this situation will be analyzed to provide a comprehensive view.


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How to Cite

Brian Gon Denbeigh. (2024). Effective Communication In Maintaining Marital Relationships Despite Long Distance: Husband And Wife In The Context Of Working As Migrant Workers. Green Social: International Journal of Law and Civil Affairs, 1(1), 18–29. Retrieved from https://social.ifrel.org/index.php/GreenSocial/article/view/13